Page 167 - Hungarian Golf Kincses Kalendárium 2010.
P. 167

Name:  Budapest Highland Golf Club & Academy
            The services of the Budapest Highland Golf
                                                      Founded in: 2004
            Club & Academy fit easily into the marketing   Address: Budapest, 1224 Dózsa Gy. út 99-103.
            and PR strategies of companies, and provide   Our GPS coordinates are: N.47°41´741˝ E.18°98´709˝
            an excellent opportunity to arrange program-  Information  Phone: 362-8020
            mes with families and friends.            Fax: 362-8021
            N  Perfect location for press conferences, corpo-  E-mail:
             rate events and corporate training       Website:
            N Our outdoor pavilion is also ideal for birthday   .....................................................................................
            parties and wedding receptions            President: Závodszky Zoltán
            N  Sponsoring events gives companies a great   Director: Révész Tamás
             opportunity to move closer to their target   Club  Head Pro: Szigeti Csaba
             clientele, even by cultivating personal relati-  Member of: MGSZ, EGA
             onships.                                 .....................................................................................
            N  Our Mediterranean-style restaurant comp-  Designer: Peter Kring
             lete with terrace is a great venue for any   Course  Built in: 2005-2007
             event.                                   Area: 36 ha, sík, enyhén dombos
                                                  Credit cards   accep  Other: AMEX, Diners Club, Golf Fee, BMW, HVG
            Constant renewal and respecting traditions are   .....................................................................................
            the keys to success in both golf and business   EC/MC, VISA, MAESTRO,
            life.                                     .....................................................................................

                                                      Opening hours in the season:
                                                      From 1 March to 30 November
                                                   Open  In winter:
                                                      From 1 December to 28 February
                                                      On weekdays: 08.00 a.m.-20-00 p.m.
                                                      At weekends: 08.00 a.m.- 20.00 p.m. (closing
                                                      hours change- orientated to the sunset)
                                                      In the winter season we are closed.

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